Global Training

Industry-Wide, Global Training Sevices provided by acknowledged experts in their fields

Big Agility, along with our training partners provides certified training courses around the world for all time zones.
We partner with Agile Visa and Daring Futures to provide targeted, certified training for all time zones.
In 2021 we have provided over 700 certified training courses.
For each trainer, we indicate the courses they can deliver and their LinkedIn profiles for inspection. Each trainer submits to constant review and feedback to ensure our trainers are industry top rated as trainers and experts in their fields.

We offer all courses as virtual training available across all key timezones, including

we have a large team of very talented and experienced trainers available via our partners, able to train various courses. Our trainers and the courses we can offer are listed below.

Mansoor Mohammed


Rachel Chapman


Hannah Farrugia


Kiran Ravula


Antony Nizamoglou


Richard Williams


Juan Carlos

(Peru, Spanish)

Ian Banner


Nivarti Jayaram


Dominic Delivers


Matt Odell


Ilija Popjanev


Andrew Kidd


David Morris

(New Zealand)

Ashish Kumar


Ashish Dharia


Prashant Shinde

(India, Founder)

All of our trainers can deliver below programs